There is not long left in the university year and unfortunately for me, that means making my final piece, in preparation for the last assessment of my degree and the School of Design degree show. With only four weeks left until the assessment on the 28th May all the Art and Design students are beginning to panic. 

Despite knowing how little time I have left, I can't say I have made life easy for myself, deciding to go 'bigger and better' was a naive decision. As the focal medium of my work is willow and weaving, the process is automatically slow! Through discussion with my tutor the decision was to place my work outside, I have always wanted to do this and with the estates team agreeing, I was given a place around a tree outside the University of Leeds union. In theory this is a perfect space for my piece, however inevitably I overlooked some important factors. Firstly, having the work around a tree would instantly make the work bigger than I ever intended and secondly, having it outside and round a tree would mean I would have to weave the entire piece outside!!! Now, living in England all my life I really should of taken into consideration that the weather never seems to favour sunshine and that I will more than likely need to invest in a very good waterproof and large umbrella!
The image shows the frame work for the piece, this will then be weaved around. This particular bit of frame is only a third of the overall piece, definitely given myself more work than possible in the last few weeks I have left. 

I think I need to wish for sunshine for May and hope that all our rain came in April.. we certainly have had enough or I may have to seriously consider sporting a wet suit to uni each day, but I fear that would not be a good look for me.


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